Did someone say Winter?

April 27, 2006

6 responses to Did someone say Winter?

  1. Funny, here we went from 92 to 58 in a span of 36 hours.

  2. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds like a big drop 🙂

    The bad thing for me: from The Blog Herald money we got AC installed, but not heating, it didn’t go that far, but at least when its cold I can rug up, when its hot….well there is no relief 🙂

  3. Yes, heat sucks. When it’s cold you can put on layer after layer after layer. when it’s hot you just suck it up and drink ice water.

    92 to 58 is approx. 34-13. Yeah, that was a big drop

  4. 34 to 13….yikes, that cant be normal, can it??

    I experienced something similar in Sydney when I was about 12.

    It was a really hot day, maybe 35. In the space of an hour it dropped to below 10, I can’t remember the exact temp, but it was late August, the day was exceptionally hot for Winter, and the front came through, and its the ONLY time growing up I saw Sleet in Sydney. It was a Thursday, which was a Sports day for my school, and my mother picked me up directly from the tennis court. I can still remember her trying to swish the sleet off the windscreen of the car. We got near home, dropped into the local newsagent, and they told us it was Snowing in Engadine (far our Sydney Suburb about 10 minutes from us). Now Melbourne readers might be use to snow (3 times a year folks??? 🙂 ) but snow in Sydney?? or even sleet. One day in 1987. I still remember, it was that rare!

    Where I live now…no snow, although the lawns do tend to freeze in winter 🙂

  5. 34 is exceptionally hot for this time of year, though normal for the summer. we had a cold front come in. One day it was hot, the next day we had a black sky all day, then 90 k/hour winds and the hardest rain I’ve ever seen. it’s been cool ever since