Filipinos taking over blogosphere

January 1, 2007

Joey Alarilla at CNet Asia notes the rise of Pinoy bloggers into positions of prominence in the blogosphere. Not before time, and thoroughly deserved. Congrats in particular to Jayvee on his recent promotion, to others he’s definitely a blogger to watch.

9 responses to Filipinos taking over blogosphere

  1. Wow I’m surprised you wrote about this! I’m from the Philippines, heh. Cheers! 🙂

  2. ia, why? I’ve been covering the Pinoy Blogosphere for many years. Some of the worlds best as yet undiscovered bloggers reside in the Philippines.

  3. Pardon me. I haven’t read you sooner. 😉 And I guess it’s also nice to hear it from someone like you rather than discovering it on one’s own by digging up the author pages of different blog networks.

  4. duncan,

    thank you for the mention and thanks for the jumpstart into the blogosphere! 🙂

  5. hi duncan, thanks for citing my blog entry 🙂


Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. No, we’re not taking over the blogosphere! » @ YugaTech! [ philippine technology news and reviews ] - January 2, 2007

    […] The New Year’s blog entry of Joey Alarilla over at CNET Asia was titled “Filipinos taking over blogosphere“. Found it from The Blogging Journalist who read it from Duncan Riley himself. […]

  2. PTB vs. PWiT: Philippine Crab Mentality Online * Stellify - February 5, 2007

    […] Filipinos are moving into the blogosphere just as they have invaded the rest of the world. It’s just unfortunate that we’re bringing both our good values and our bad ones. […]

  3. Bayanihan Blog Network » Blog Archive » The Philippine Blogosphere, Lost in Translation - February 12, 2007

    […] It’s no surprise that Duncan Riley talked about our launch, since he’s kept tabs on what’s happening here, “covering the Pinoy blogosphere for many years.” It’s still wonderful though that he considers the BBN worthy of the mention. […]

  4. PTB vs. PWiT: Philippine Crab Mentality Online · Stellify - January 3, 2009

    […] Filipinos are moving into the blogosphere just as they have invaded the rest of the world. It’s just unfortunate that we’re bringing both our good values and our bad ones. […]