Firefox usage nudges 25% of all users in Australia

July 12, 2006

Australians are an egalitarian lot, and hence we’ve also got one of the biggest usage figures world wide for Firefox: 24.23% of all Australians use Firefox according to Onestat (via Beta News)….nothing like supporting the underdog against the big guys. Beating us however is the Germans, with an amazing 39.02%. Common Aussies, prides at stake here, lets increase the figure to 50%!

Interestingly also, Australia also has the highest usage rate in the world for the Opera browser as well: 4.69%. Can’t blame them, it’s still not quite Firefox yet, but the more I use it, the more I’m impressed with Opera…now if only I could get my favourite Firefox plugins to work on Opera I might even switch to it full time.


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3 responses to Firefox usage nudges 25% of all users in Australia

  1. The facts are this, the only reason most people use internet explorer is that it comes with windows. I got into a discussion last night with my girlfriend on this. My contention is that most people are not tech savvy enough to change their homepage, let alone their browser. When I used to do tech support, people used the browser that they used at work. Its the only reason there are 12 million netscape browser users, the federal government used it in most places. Now here comes firefox, and the people are like what is that. In the end firefox will win.

    The browsers I use in order.

    1. Avant (built on internet explorer)
    2. Firefox
    3. Internet Explorer
    4. Mozilla
    5. Netscape
    6. Opera
    7. Flock
    8. Microsoft Word
    9. Microsoft Outlook
    10. Plus the simple browser I built.

  2. Common Aussies, prides at stake here, lets increase the figure to 50%!

    The problem with that is, once Firefox’s market share is over 50%, it is no longer the “underdog” and people will start looking at the next browser to migrate to.

  3. What a FABULOUS Web site you’ve created!!!