G’day Sheilas!

June 26, 2006

If Microsoft is to be believed 92% of the readers of duncanriley.com are female between the ages of 25-34.


To see who Microsoft believes is reading your blog, click here.

4 responses to G’day Sheilas!

  1. well i certainly fall into that category! 😛

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Make You Go Hmm: » Hmm quickies #30 - June 28, 2006

    […] – Find out what Microsoft adCenter Labs thinks your website gender distribution is like. Darren has 60% men and Duncan has 92% women. Looks like we men have a slight edge here according to adCenter Labs: […]

  2. The Rashad’s Zone » ProBlogger Demographics - MSN adCenter Style - June 29, 2006

    […] Find out what demographics adCenter predicts that your blog has here. Found via Duncan. […]