The Truth about Scientology?

June 26, 2006

Interesting post at the Something Awful boards which is definitely worth a read. This quote stands out:

The secret behind this cult, behind this evil organization, is in it’s direction, it’s goal. The goal of Scientology is not to become the major predominant religion of the world. That is something they have already secured. You will not see any end to Scientology over the years. Through mob tactics and the sheer weight of it’s wealth and influence, Scientology will become the only way to pray in the world. The leaders are not in any way, being the realistic, pragmatic people that they are, doubtful of that. It’s not a belief on their part, but a fact. You would do well to remember that before the end.

What end? The end being the success of their main goal, which is to become the first true Illuminati of the world. So far, such a word has been a myth, an urban legend of politics. No real Illuminati has ever existed on this planet, but that is the goal of Scientology: Unlimited power. Power to decide the fate of all things, all people. They do it for their own interests, the endless interest of what it would feel like to have control over everything. They do it not for any betterment of mankind, or even in sustaining the tenuous harmony we as a species have now. I have met all level VIII’s at one time or another, and I know better than anyone that not a one of them would have a problem with infanticide, global cleansing of “weaker” ethnicities, slavery, aristocracy, or vindictive torture of anyone they don’t like.

Tom Cruise as the President of the United States….now that would be interesting 🙂


One response to The Truth about Scientology?

  1. Jon von Gunten July 3, 2006 at 9:46 am

    With respect, whoever posted that awful nonsense on the “Something Awful” boards about Scientology is very ill-advised (and knowingly untruthful) on the topic. And the person’s ignorance pushes him or her to extreme conclusions and hatefulness that helps no one grow as a human being.

    Parenthetically, that board’s author wrote “…it’s direction, it’s goal,” which shows lack of care in writing. The word “it’s” is always and only a contraction, never a possessive pronoun. The phrase should have been written as “…its goal, its direction,” with no apostrophes.

    And the rest of that board’s post on Scientology is equally sloppy and ill-researched.

    Scientology expands only by proving the workability of its counseling in one-to-one counseling sessions, and the proven value of our social betterment programs.

    Any other assertions are the too-eagerly believed hate-speech of those who were dishonest with others in their family, their lives or in the church. Let’s use our heads: If only one-tenth of one percent of what is said about Scientology were true, we would never be working side by side with police officers, court officers, judges and other mainstays of several countries’ legal systems. Our work with them is on social improvement programs like drug prevention, individual drug rescue, criminal rehabilitation, and literacy centers.

    Next, Scientologists do not ‘pray,” per se. Our belief in God does not include that form of communication asking. But any Scientologist is free to retain any practices of their earlier religions that they find comforting.

    The claim of having met all level VIIIs is also false. No one having done so would term them “level VIIIs,” but would refer to them as “OT VIIIs.”

    The rest of the remarks are laughable. The higher one goes in Scientology, the higher one’s personal ethics must become. There is no other way to grow as a spiritual being than by constantly striving to be more loving, more decent and more honest with others.

    Rhetoric that strives to drive wedges between Scientologists and their non-Scientology family members, their employers, their neighbors, et al., is born of misunderstandings, reading too much hate-speech, and some desire to cause anger and upset.

    Very best,