Google Crawling AdWords Landing Pages for Quality

May 28, 2006

At long last, it looks like Google might be (at least a little bit) cracking down on made for Adsense sites, in this case those who get their traffic using Adwords.

From Threadwatch:

Google is launching a spider named AdsBot to monitor AdWords landing page quality.

Sometime in the coming weeks, a new AdsBot crawler will be grabbing all landing pages independently of AdSense, Googlebot or other Google spiders. Can you still block being spidered? Yes. But if you do so, Google AdWords will consider you a “non-participating advertiser” in the review process. As a result, you’ll take a ding on your overall AdWords quality score

Great stuff from Google. Now if they’d only start cracking down on some of the spam sites using Google we could all sleep that little bit easier as well 🙂
