Google Street View blurs my letterbox

August 5, 2008

Google Australia has launched Google Street View locally (via Simon Goudie). Privacy issues perhaps, but letter boxes have all been blurred out. Here’s our house in Google Street View:


Here’s a close up of the letter box


Interestingly, they’ve really gone all out in the coverage of Street View. My old house complete with sales sign (so it would have to have been in December/ January), notably in Australind, Western Australia. You can’t really get more regional than Australind

6 ruby fairway australind - Google Maps

note though that although they have the house, the satelitte images are still woefully old for that part of the world

6 ruby fairway australind - Google Maps

10 responses to Google Street View blurs my letterbox

  1. I was pretty surprised with the amount of coverage Google actually provided, figured it would only be the city areas for the launch with the rest coming online over the next 6 months.

    I've managed to find all my old houses, places where I hung out, places where I smoked too much pot and passed out, and all sorts of randomly stupid things like that.

  2. Hi Duncan, is live with what we think is the first implementation of Google StreetView in Australia.

  3. how's this for funny – at our place I think either myself or my wife is in the shot of our house!

    posted the picture here.

  4. Google even took some pictures of inside the ferry from Melbourne to Tasmania, I uploaded a few screenshots to skitch:

    Just go to google maps and type in “east devonport ferry terminal”

  5. grow alot of vegetation – it makes stuff look better

  6. haha, nah, can go more regional than Australind :p
    Bridgetown is covered, even lots of the semi-rural outskirts (though just missed my parents house).
    And north west WA, the Pilbara etc! They drove through Nullagine (near Marble Bar). I haven't seen that place since I left in 1992! 😮

    Am also surprised by amount that is blurred. At my work, we have a sign on the fence with some afterhours mobile numbers, that's blurred. And half of the sign with our logo.

  7. Google street?? i would assume that there will be many privacy issues with this thing. Lawsuits and more lawsuits. More money for the lawyers….

  8. Google's taking over the world…I wonder what they're going to do next?! Next for sharing Duncan 🙂

  9. Google's taking over the world…I wonder what they're going to do next?! Next for sharing Duncan 🙂

  10. Google's taking over the world…I wonder what they're going to do next?! Next for sharing Duncan 🙂