If You Wan’t To Know The Relevance Of b5media Today…

February 18, 2010

Hit Google News.

Hit Google Blog Search.

Over 50 bloggers were fired from what was once the third largest blog network, a network that has taken $8m in funding, and hardly anyone wrote about it.

They’ve also launched a new site today. The interwebs are silent.

A couple of people who did write about it
Tyme White: b5media, Crushable, and protecting yourself as a writer
Roberta Ferguson: b5Media opens fire on the entire entertainment channel, fires 50 bloggers
Meida Bistro: B5Media Terminates Entire Entertainment Network; 50 Freelance & Full-Time Bloggers Gone
Trus Hussey: How the Mighty Have Fallen: b5media Shutters a Prime Channel
Gary Conn: B5media Fires 50 Entertainment Bloggers

3 responses to If You Wan’t To Know The Relevance Of b5media Today…

  1. They've been lacking relevancy for a *very* long time now.

    And you'll note that no one covered the story.

    There's another story to be told about the decline and pending death of blogherald.com, but we'll take about that some other time 🙂

  2. Pure, real-time social media activity streams and Twitter are well on their way to killing a substantial portion of blog publishing.

  3. businessreferrals February 20, 2010 at 5:40 am

    I am quit impressed