Inquisitr December 2008

January 2, 2009

Pageviews: 1,962,105 (per Google Analytics)

Traffic profile: highest post accounted for 13.5% of traffic.

Finances: profitable (that is, more income than the cost of paying writers excluding me). However unbeknown to us, the ad figures we were working with were make believe from one provider. We’re profitable, but not by as much as we’d believed. Further revenue decreased significantly this month per page view, so while we brought more in, it wasn’t relative to the increase in traffic. We are looking at ways of countering this in January. Whether this is representative of the market, our ad provider or a combination of both is to be seen.

Technorati Rank:426

5 responses to Inquisitr December 2008

  1. Good to see the growth continuing Duncan. Pity about the revenue per page view though, hopefully it gets corrected without too much drama, and hopefully its not indicative of a downturn in advertising spending.

    Happy New Year, and wishing you and your family the best for the future.

  2. Good to hear, mate.