Is Dead 2.0 Trackback Spamming?

August 3, 2006

I subscribed to a new Web 2.0 blog…well probably better described as a anti-Web 2.0 blog Dead 2.0 about a month ago, and I will add I’ve been enjoying it….as much as I’ve become a minor (well very minor…outside of Australia at least) celebrity player in Web 2.0, I can still see the futility in many startups being launched, however, I got this today in my email (click for enlargement)


Thing is, when I visit the post here, I can’t find ANY reference to my post here, to which the trackback was sent to. I’d like to really wish it wasn’t so, but it looks like Dead 2.0 is really Spam 2.0 in terms of trackbacks. Sad really.


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8 responses to Is Dead 2.0 Trackback Spamming?

  1. Duncan,
    Saw your post today. I am, shall we say, more than a little bit surprised you hadn’t emailed me ASKING me this question as opposed to making a blog post. If I were to blog “Is Duncan Riley taking pictures of little girls?” I am fairly confident you’d find that offensive.

    Yours was one of the blog posts I read while putting my post together. I read quite a few. I didn’t think a series of 15 links would really help other readers get the whole picture, so I linked to the stories which I felt were most relevant. At the same time, I thought my follow-up would be interesting to your readers who read your post.

    I know I’m not in the little “web 2.0 old boys group” so if you don’t want me having anything to do with your blog posts (psst, I’m a subscriber) in the future, you can EMAIL ME at skeptic (or really anything else) at The word to describe this type of behavior is ‘courtesy’.


  2. Skeptic, or the Dead 2.0 guy,
    I love your blog, but at the end of the day, you decided to trackback spam my blog, sure, you read it lots of places, so did I, but you manually copied and pasted a track back URL to to my site….despite the fact that you didn’t link back to me in your post…it’s spam my son, whether you like it or not…and the worst thing is I actually love your site….shit!!! you don’t need to spam me!!! I’ll give you some link love if you want it…but bugger me…WTF is going on!!!!

  3. Duncan,

    The big question here really is ‘what is trackback spam?’ If I added a single link into the post that said “I read this too”, does that really add value to the reader of the post I wrote, or are they going to click the link, say “seen that already” and move along?

    As I stated above, I think there is absolutely a time and place to trackback to a post merely to point out to readers of that post that there is more once they are done reading.

    Would it have been better to write a comment saying “right on, here’s my post too”? I think that is just as much ‘spam’ if the trackback is…

    I guess I don’t really view the whole ‘blogosphere’ in the same terms as more traditional bloggers might. I look at creating interesting content (in my opinion that is) and engaging in interesting dialogues/discussions. Like this one.

    I get a small amount of what you would call trackback spam on my site, and honestly, I let it all through. For one, I don’t have the time to check into all of it, and for two, I look at it as some kind of flattery. As long as the target site isn’t trying to sell me mortgages, university diplomas, vigara (or xaxan, amiben, or other drugs that probably contain baking soda at best) or breast implants, I’m okay with it…

    Thanks for the comment and glad to hear you like the site. Right back at ya Duncs (can I call you Duncs?).


  4. Hi, there!..76104b8dc7e5672baa0d7d4c98ecafa3

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Dead2.0 » Top Digg profile? $710. Underhanded marketing? Priceless. - August 3, 2006

    […] UPDATE 1: click here to?É‚Äö?Ç read an interesting, but technically unrelated, discussion with Duncan Riley on ‘trackback spam’ […]

  2. Tylenol 3. - December 18, 2008

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