More Desktop Candy, Twin 22″ Monitors

May 29, 2007

I bit the bullet today. As much as I was loving my 22″ monitor it was clear from comments in my earlier post and coverage elsewhere in the blogosphere that having more than one monitor provides an improved workspace.

So I thought I’d check out buying a second 22″ monitor. The first one had cost about $680 (AUD) in November 06 and at the time was a bargain, elsewhere they started at $900 and upwards. Walked into the same store (IVC Bunbury) and they now cost $430. Sold.

I’ve had the second monitor plugged in for about 2 hours as I write this, I’ve moved the Google Desktop Sidebar to the far right hand side on Monitor 2 so essentially Monitor 1 becomes Firefox with Twitbin for Twitter, Monitor 2 becomes Outlook, Photoshop, Word, Skype, Jaiku, Internet Explorer (when needed) and Google Desktop.

OMG. Being able to work in one screen whilst relevant info you need is open in another is BRILLIANT. I’d suggest that whilst writing one post I saved maybe 20 minutes. Not having to flick between windows and having your original copy open saves time.

You know I was reluctant. It seems like an extravagance. She who must be obeyed wasn’t keen on the idea but it was the monitor or Foxtel, and she hates the idea of having Pay TV give how little any of us actually watch TV, so the monitor won.

I’ll probably be able to give a better assessment in a couple of weeks, but I’m loving it and at this stage it’s highly recommended. All you need tech wise is a video card with 2 outputs (the second one is on a VGA connection, the original on DVI) and some cash. If you work online it will pay for itself over and over again in saved time.




6 responses to More Desktop Candy, Twin 22″ Monitors

  1. Two is good, I give it six months, and if your video card can take it. You will have a third monitor. Again same reasoning, its wrap around view, you have it all open to use at once, it becomes all drag and drop etc. Beyond three is a bit hard as your peripheral vision will not extend that far, especially with 22″ screens.

  2. As Gary said, two monitors is great – three is awesome, IMHO the perfect number. My setup is:

    Unfortunately I’m leaving there soon, so I’m have to fork out from some LCD’s for my home office pretty soon 🙁

  3. When I got a new Dell it came with a nice enough LCD monitor — 17 inch. I went out and bought a 19 inch Samsung and was trying to plug them in together. But the new Dell had a unique plug so I found, at Radio Shack, a new cable for the new machines and monitors that Cost $65.00 US Dollars and it is for digital. I didn’t realize that at the time. So I also use two monitors. One for what I am working on and the other for the referenced materials. I saw Al Gore’s setup the other day and he uses three monitors all alike and all hooked together. I think they are at least 22 inches or larger.

    I didn’t do much today but…

    I did write about how people used to wear long underwear over winter or until we began to stink. You can find the link at the bottom of the post today.

    Brookville Daily Photo

  4. Looks like a great setup. One question though – why is your workspace so sickeningly devoid of any clutter. Yours would HAVE to be about the tidiest office I’ve ever seen 🙂

  5. Okay I expect twice as many blog posts coming out of you from here on out… kidding 🙂 Looks cool!

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  1. SYNTAGMA » What Does Your Desk Say About You? - May 30, 2007

    […] It must be a quiet day for news when people start showing you pictures of their desks. It could be a lot worse, so we shouldn’t complain. Duncan Riley did it yesterday, and I’ve seen any number around the blogosphere. […]