More on Blogdesk from Johannes Oppermann

May 4, 2006

BlogDesk-buttonI’ve been using Blogdesk for a couple of days now, and for once in my life I can actually feel my blogging productivity increase, mainly because I can quickly copy, cut and edit an image into any blog post, to any of my blogs, along with what I’ve got to say on the story.

I asked Johannes Oppermann, the German based author of Blogdesk, a few quick questions, and this was his response:

I wrote BlogDesk because blogging is about communication and I like the idea to enable people to communicate (one of my other programs is the mail client PostMe). Blogging seems to be easy, but it’s only easy for geeks and the younger tech-generation. I know a lot of people that could never publish a photo with WordPress – but they can do using BlogDesk. When I develop a new program I always think of my 70 year old dad – he has to be able to work with my program.

Why do I give it away for free? I don’t like selling

Again, I’m not being paid for this plug, but I’m loving Blogdesk mainly because of it’s imaging editing abilities. It doesn’t work with all blog clients, but well…technorati tags, image editing, categories…everything I’d ever want…well pretty much close to it. So give it a try! it’s well worth it, and I’m some one who has never felt comfortable with blogging tools like this.


8 responses to More on Blogdesk from Johannes Oppermann

  1. I’ve been giving qumana a good look recently, and it’s not bad…but after you and I both agreeing that posting from the admin panel was the best and then you going wild over this, I might have to try it out…

  2. BlogDesk is indeed that small application, packed with the very features which is the core of blogging and does away with all the other clutter.

    BlogDesk is indeed that breeze on a hot sunny blogging day.

  3. i have to try that, i think

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Chrono Tron >> World Wide Weblog » Blog Archive » BlogDesk - The Blogger’s Comp’leet’ Tool & Interview - May 21, 2006

    […] Duncan claims that BlogDesk increases his productivity, for once I don’t agree. BlogDesk doesn’t just increase my productivity, it makes me feel as if I had no producitivity previously, that damn good. Sadly as Johan mentioned, BlogDesk is not well known and hopefully you try it out and write about it to spread the word. I think this is one tool that the blogosphere deserves to know about! I end with this “BlogDesk is THE most extensive blog client that I’ve ever and a must use for any blogger. A perfect blogging experience!“. It’s been long since I got this excited after using a software (last- Firefox!) […]

  2. » Blogdesk Button - June 1, 2006

    […] For those people who read my earlier post about Blogdesk and love it as much as I do (it’s the first time I’ve ever used a 3rd party blogging tool for longer than a day, and it’s been 6-8 weeks now!) I’ve done up a button you can put up at your site to help Johannes out in promoting the product: […]

  3. Searching for… Whatever - » Blog Editor - Win - BlogDesk - January 24, 2007

    […] […]

  4. DagDigDug - Aplikasi & Tip » BlogDesk - April 27, 2008

    […] ?Ǭ†?Ǭ´… for once in my life I can actually feel my blogging productivity increase…?Ǭª […]