OK, Google Spreadsheets is cool

June 8, 2006

Got my invite today to Google Spreadsheets, initial thoughts: it’s pretty damn cool.

It’s quick, and it seems to do everything I’d ever want to do with a spreadsheet, at least is plays like Excel does in terms of formula which is…well cool.

Is it a Microsoft killer? I still don’t think so, but there is little doubt that, particularly compared to Writely, that Google Spreadsheets has more potential, particularly in terms of group collaboration, to gain a decent number of users. Certainly for people who travel a lot, this is going to be very, very handy.

Screen shots as follows (click to enlarge):




One response to OK, Google Spreadsheets is cool

  1. Finally, a post not bashing it just because it came from Google. I received my invite as well and had a similar reaction to yours. I thought it was simple, easy to use, and most of all…convenient. I plan on using it for all of my personal spreadsheet needs so that I can access them from any computer on the Internet and they’ll all be backed up. Most spreadsheets I make aren’t anything special so Google Spreadsheets will do the trick. Is it an “Office killer”? No, but I don’t think it’s meant to be. It fills a need and does it quite well if you ask me.