On The Pod Episode 2 is Live

August 22, 2007

This weeks guest: Paul Montgomery from Tinfinger. Perhaps a little drier in topic this week (we talk Open ID and Attention) but hopefully an interesting chat none the less.

I’m getting better at the tech side as well, the volume levels were spot on and it was remarkably quick to edit and what not. Trying to work out how to export to MP3 on a Mac on the other hand….. I have since read though that iLife  08 supports MP3 direct creation from Garageband, it might be worth the upgrade.

Download or listen here.

2 responses to On The Pod Episode 2 is Live

  1. One other workaround you can do is import it into iMovie and then export as MP3. That’s what i do. 🙂

  2. Thanks fot the link The Pod Episode