What the?

From news.com.au:

THOUSANDS of Japanese have been swindled in a scam in which they were sold Australian and British sheep and told they were poodles…

The scam was uncovered when Japanese film star Maiko Kawamaki went on a talk-show and wondered why her new pet would not bark or eat dog food.

She was crestfallen when told it was a sheep.

Hundreds of other women got in touch with police to say they feared their new “poodle” was also a sheep.

One couple said they became suspicious when they took their “dog” to have its claws trimmed and were told it had hooves.

Police believe there could be 2000 people affected by the scam.

Have you been sold a sheep thinking it was a poodle…or a cat, or even a bird? Or perhaps your poodle bleats and shits all over the place?

This has got to top the weird news stories for 2007.

Mandy Vandy gets Rome

admin —  April 26, 2007 — 1 Comment

mandyLooks like Crikey was right: Jabba the Hut is going to Rome. Lock up the spaghetti bars, arm the pizza joints, Mandy Vandy is now Australian Ambassador to Italy. Is she sings “Under Southern Stars” more than once during her stay I’m predicting war between Australia and Italy shortly there after…and I’d be forced to side with the Italians. Mama Mia!

Photo Caption: Fido looking relieved knowing that he was now safe from being eaten.

Following on from Meg’s great Top 100 Australian Blogs list, my quest to become the Dave Winer of Australian blogging continues, I’m occasionally grumpy, I’m getting older by the day, I haven’t got the beard yet…I guess I can work on it….but on a more serious note, let me present The Top 100 Australian Blogs: feeds via OPML, set up for easy importing into the feed reader of your choice.

Click here.

The file has been tested in Google Reader + Bloglines and seems to work.

OK, there is one little catch! There’s only 98 blogs on the list, 2 blogs didn’t have feeds, and I did try looking for them at karencheng.com.au and blogcharm.com/sweets, if anyone knows where they are, let me know and I’ll update the list.

The list is in order as per the Meg’s list at the time of writing. It’s done manually so there’s no magical way to update it aside from me coding it so please don’t expect a whole pile of changes over time, but I will maintain it on occasion.

As much as I’ve crossed swords with a couple of Australian bloggers over the last week on the list, I still believe that despite all our differences that collectively we should be promoting blogs more in this country, and that’s to the benefit of all Australian bloggers. Hopefully expanding the reading list of some people (including myself) may play a small part in this jigsaw puzzle.


Rage Playlist Competition

admin —  April 26, 2007 — 4 Comments

Ive been tagged by Meg.

The meme: “The idea is to compile your top 20 favorite music videos, as you?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢d like them played on the television show rage”

The 99 million dollar question is can I actually remember the music videos, or just the songs? probably the later, but I’ll give it a shot. Also not sure if there is an age restriction either, after all, Rage does play some classics on occasion, although I suspect a couple of these won’t be in the Rage Archives 🙂

In no particular order:

Crowded House: Don’t Dream it’s Over
Crowded House: Better Be Home Soon
Crowded House: World Where You Live
Crowded House: Distant Sun
Crowded House: It’s Only Natural
Crowded House: Now We’re Getting Somewhere
Crowded House: Something So Strong
Crowded House: Fall at your feet
Crowded House: Four Seasons in One Day
Dave Brubeck: Take Five
Dave Brubeck: Blue Rondo ala Turk
Billie Holiday – Lady Sings the Blues
Pete Murray – So Beautiful
The Cardigans: Lovefool
Don McLean – American Pie
Cold Chisel – Khe San
The Doors – The End
Bobby Darin – Beyond the Sea
Ella Fitzgerald – It don’t mean a thing
Frank Sinatra – My Way

I tag Yaro, Martin, Darren and Alister.

Iconic Australian newspapers the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age (The Smage collectively) are downsizing, not only jobs but print size as well, shriking to the tall sheet size I blogged about noticing in North America last November. It’s been 10 years since I read a print version on the SMH regularly, and I remember it being a particular pain (indeed near on impossible) on Sydney trains, so the new size can only help.

Interesting though that it’s a lead story on news.com.au, but only rates a mention way down the page in Business @ smh.com.au 🙂

Good news from el Reg: “U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank’s press office has confirmed that Thursday at 10am Frank will introduce legislation to repeal the controversial Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA)”

Now if only we could someone in Australia to overturn our ridiculous laws 🙂

The Simpsons meets Google

admin —  April 26, 2007 — Leave a comment

Compliments of Search Engine Land, The Simpsons meet Google:





Full clip as follows:

Thanks to Lifehacker (once again) for a very handy tip. If you’re like me, you use the search box in FireFox regularly, and in doing so I usually open a new tab for the results, this hack sets search results to automatically open in a new tab:

Type about:config into the address bar, and then put the following into the filter box: browser.search.openintab. Double-click the value to change it to true.

Simple, yet totally useful.

Fark has a new design. It isn’t pretty, but probably worse still is the loading times, it’s beyond slow to buggery. What in the world were they thinking? Took me over a minute to get to the bottom of the page to leave a comment, and longer again to actually make the comment, and this with a TotalFark subscription as well!


Where’s Krug?

admin —  April 26, 2007 — 2 Comments

Thought I might open this one up, given I’m not getting responses to my emails, and I’m hearing all sorts of interesting rumours: where is David Krug? he’s literally MIA? anyone have any ideas? health or something else?