The Top 100 Australian Blogs: feeds via OPML

April 26, 2007

Following on from Meg’s great Top 100 Australian Blogs list, my quest to become the Dave Winer of Australian blogging continues, I’m occasionally grumpy, I’m getting older by the day, I haven’t got the beard yet…I guess I can work on it….but on a more serious note, let me present The Top 100 Australian Blogs: feeds via OPML, set up for easy importing into the feed reader of your choice.

Click here.

The file has been tested in Google Reader + Bloglines and seems to work.

OK, there is one little catch! There’s only 98 blogs on the list, 2 blogs didn’t have feeds, and I did try looking for them at and, if anyone knows where they are, let me know and I’ll update the list.

The list is in order as per the Meg’s list at the time of writing. It’s done manually so there’s no magical way to update it aside from me coding it so please don’t expect a whole pile of changes over time, but I will maintain it on occasion.

As much as I’ve crossed swords with a couple of Australian bloggers over the last week on the list, I still believe that despite all our differences that collectively we should be promoting blogs more in this country, and that’s to the benefit of all Australian bloggers. Hopefully expanding the reading list of some people (including myself) may play a small part in this jigsaw puzzle.


5 responses to The Top 100 Australian Blogs: feeds via OPML

  1. Duncan

    This must have taken you ages! Thanks 🙂 I actually had a discussion with Alister (Cameron) about how we could do it easily, but it got put aside…

    I’ll send you the major changes when they are available.


  2. Thanks!

    Karen Cheng doesn’t have a feed, she handcodes the site, every post! (I think I heard the work that will be needed to put it (the archives) into blogging software is putting her off!)

    Meg, I think I’ll just follow you around the (Australian!) blogosphere and not email you, lol! Wasted most of yesterday finding videos for my rage Top 20, when I could have been emailing people. Argh, queen of procrastination!

  3. Now that’s a great idea – good stuff. Adding to Google Reader

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Top 100 Aussie Blogs at The Not So Secret Life of Simone - April 26, 2007

    […] As Meg says, also check out, The Australian Index, Gnoos and Duncan Riley has made an opml file for the whole list, which will make it easy to subscribe to all of them at the same time (sounds a bit scary, but I guess you could always cull them later! I don’t think people in Sydney will care much about what’s happening in Perth!). […]

  2. Two cool Australian blogs you’re probably not reading - May 6, 2007

    […] Note: both are available as part of the Top 100 Australian Blogs feed OPML download. […]