Techcrunch thinks Bloglines is in trouble because Newgator has a toolbar…hmmm.

August 10, 2006

Bizarre post from Marshall Kirkpatrick over at Techcrunch suggesting that Bloglines needs to look out because…wait for it…Newsgator has launched a toolbar.

To quote:

While Bloglines has long been the favorite feed reader for people looking for a simple but powerful tool, the new Newsgator toolbar means that users seeking many of these features now have options. Newsgator provides a river of news feature that Bloglines does not and handles OPML files much more gracefully

I couldn’t river a rats arse about River of News Layout, I like my Bloglines exactly how it is, and aside from maybe, very, very, rarely using a Bloglines button found on a blog to subscribe to it, I always add stuff to Bloglines by cutting and pasting the RSS feed URL into it using the Add feature.

Put simply, Bloglines is the market leader because it works the way people want it to, and no amount of bells and whistles from Newsgator is going to change this….and yes, I’ve tried Newsgator and a pile of other RSS readers out as well, still always end up back at Bloglines…to paraphrase Apple: It just works for me (most of the time).


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3 responses to Techcrunch thinks Bloglines is in trouble because Newgator has a toolbar…hmmm.

  1. A couple of things …

    The number one thing … Bloglines is free.

    The second thing … Bloglines has stagnated, even the most diehard Bloglines fan has to admit that.

  2. True, but it still works like I want it to, despite some of the recent issues they’ve had. I like the folders, I like the fact that I can read a feed at a time and that after I read it Bloglines notes that I have and it shows that by showing nothing unread (a bit like email)…nothing else to date does that for me.

  3. I’ve recently been having issues with my Bloglines, which I have almost 1300 feeds. For my blog, I have been “Keeping New” articles for future use and perusal, and almost have about 900 of these articles and feeds I’ve kept. Suddenly, August 5th when I got back from vacation only the ones since July 31 show up. Also, when I click the “keep new” box .. and re-open/refresh or open a new window .. the ones I just clicked are NOT kept, and they are not being accessible next time.

    Yet, the count increases in the left sidebar. I’ve contacted Bloglines and they claimed that they are looking at it – that was 2 days ago. It’s slowing me down.