What to write for my new weekly gig

August 10, 2006

I’ve just signed up for a weekly gig at another blog (outside of b5..I’ll name it on another day..but it will be a weekly column working with some really cool ppl) but I’m a bit stumped if I know exactly at this stage what to write about (although I’ve got a few ideas)..it’s got to be about blogging or related to blogging (so Web 2.0 counts). There are of course two matters I can’t talk about, 9rules (I’m already on Jeremy’s bad side on this one 🙂 ), or the fact that b5media is about to surpass 100 million page views since we launched (proper page views as well, not spiders and feedreaders and what not)…suggestions anyone?

PS: if they are good suggestions and used, credit will be given + of course this blog doesn’t have no follow used so your comments count in the search engines as well…but I will delete spam naturally 🙂

3 responses to What to write for my new weekly gig

  1. Looking forward to rerading it!

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  1. The Blog Columnist » Blog Archive » #1: b5, New Orleans, Flash Turns 10, Copyright and 1938 Vs. Krug … Ugly! - August 14, 2006

    […] Congrats and kudos to b5media as they approach their 100,000,000th page view – according to Duncan Riley. Impressive numbers guys and gal. Now what have you got installed for us next – the blog network industry is pretty much watching you guys seeing that JCal has more or less gone to the otherside. […]