The Fark take on Steve Irwin’s death

September 4, 2006

Ok, it’s probably not cool to laugh about the dead, but this is a little funny (from Fark):



10 responses to The Fark take on Steve Irwin’s death

  1. Humor helps the sadness of the soul. I am going to miss the Crocodile Hunter and his quirky sense of life.

  2. i think steve pulled out the sting after the stab then pass out. as if he is saying he fought back…… truely a warrior to the last moment.

    personally , i just wished he stayed more on the ground wrestling mammals or lizards. rather then fishes. or stingrays.

    steve’s manager cried, after seeing the video tape, that show steve’s struggle. and decided to leave it concealed amd leave it to the police.

  3. ya , steve wrestle komodo dragons all the times !!

  4. I’m gonna miss the man… definitely.

  5. s I say a prayer for Steve and his Family I will also say a prayer for your sick soul.
    You need it . Thank God i WILL NEVER VISIT THIS SITE AGAIN.
    sATAN IS PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. it seems that only the good die young and he i’m sure new the LORD! GOD watch over you Terry and our FATHER in Heaven had other plans for that wonderful man GOD BLESS AND BE WITH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY Your friend Gary&Angie Mottola

  7. may god be with you steve…hopefully he didnt feel pain when he died

  8. crikie mate, its such a shock xx

  9. how cheap can u be u fkg bastard? u suck and we are going to take care of your shity website!

  10. Dear Lord,
    Please bless Steve’s family, keep them safe, and give them the courage to continue living each day. I pray that Steve’s wife has some comfort and support, and his children grow up to be happy and healthy.
    We’ll miss you Steve!