We’ll all be rooned, said Kevin Rudd

February 2, 2009


Rudd reveals $115b loss

I read last week that Keating’s giving economic advice to Rudd, no surprise when you read this stuff.

Sorry in advance about the language, but we’re now officially fucked.

– $115 billion.

Projected surplus in November was $5.7 billion.

See the magic difference, and that’s before yet another stimulus package.

In the space of a year or two, Rudd will run up the Government Mastercard to higher than Keating levels.

Not bad for a first term. Wonder though who’s going to pay for it, and what interest rate they’ll demand.

$115 billion.


5 responses to We’ll all be rooned, said Kevin Rudd

  1. If only Howard hadn't wasted his good economic fortune on pork barreling and rural welfare.

  2. If the Liberal Party could get their act together a little more the next election would be a no contest based on how the ALP is performing at this point in time. Typical government response though, 'throw money at the problem till it goes away' rather than actually working out the problem properly, I guess a big portion of the world's governments are in the same position.

  3. “Wonder though who?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s going to pay for it”

    Our Children.

  4. “Wonder though who’s going to pay for it”

    Our Children.

  5. “Wonder though who’s going to pay for it”

    Our Children.