Where should I go on holidays?

April 29, 2006

I need some help!

I need to go on some holidays. I need a rest. Totally.

But there is another reason. My mother in law is coming to stay. Suffice to say since she hung around after the birth of my son for 7 weeks and wouldn’t go home we haven’t got on so well. Which is ashame really, because I use to love her. But now…well, she interferes.

She who must be obeyed has agreed that it’s better that I’m not at home when the mother in law visits. 12-20 May. The question is where to go. North America and Europe is to far. I can probably get a new passport in a week or so. So Asia is in the mix. Oddly enough I can get a package with Airfares and accommodation to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan cheaper than I can do similar to Sydney. I can get cheaper again to Bali, but I’m not going to Indonesia….no self respecting Australian would.

So here’s the question.

I’m tempted to go to my old home town Sydney. I’m also looking at Cairns. Nice and warm. But there is a pile of places in Asia that sound good.

Can anyone tell me what’s good?

13 responses to Where should I go on holidays?

  1. jesse, too far. I’d love to go to ireland, sooooo much it’s scary…tomorrow, but I’ve got to keep it in my cost ratio, which is no more than $1500 AUD full accomodation and food. I know I’ll need to spend more, but I need to include the food in that.

  2. I had a great week in Singapore when I decided to sail home from Perth instead of fly. It’s great place and not owned by China, so reasonably free. Terrific shopping: hand-made suits for next to nothing. And the food is interesting.

  3. Come to New York. We can hit all the cool sites on the East Coast and drink a few beers. Snarkfest 06 anyone?

  4. NY is tempting…but the cost is way too much…unless I’m sponsored for some speaking gigs, I will happily do it for the flight…but without the sponsorship…it’s too much.

  5. Here is a doozy, go visit Darren. Stay in a hotel, and have some fun with your business partner.

  6. Singapore. Sim Lim Square: 6 storeys of haggle-friendly constant-price-changing computer hardware and geek toy market stalls. And a food hall down the bottom in case you get hungry.

  7. In order: Shanghai, New Zealand, Hong Kong, or Singapore.

  8. Noosa – go surfing.
    Must say though… pretty extreme to have to holiday when the mother in-law comes to visit 😉 … I haven’t got to that stage yet, maybe because she hasn’t ever stayed over…

  9. Oooooh….too much to choose from there.

    I like Clay’s thinking, but if you’re leaning toward asia I say Thailand. Beautiful country, people, weather, and a nice place to relax.

    China is also awesome, but for different reasons. Beijing is an amazing city, and the history is astounding. However, you’ll need to sort out your visa if you want to head that way.

    I can chat with you on Skype if you like. I’ve been to all the places you’ve listed.

  10. Got to admit, Noosa is tempting, although I spent 2 years living on the Sunshine Coast many moons ago, so I’m sort of Queenslanded out, although the Gold Coast might be a possibility. As long as I can sit on a beach at some stage and it’s warm…which is why as much as I’m still thinking Sydney I know it’s not warm enough this time of year.

    Thailand is looking good, if I can get a passport in time 🙂 One of the best things about living in WA, cheap airfairs into Asia, can do Phuket for a week for under $1k (AUD).