Wnning line: “I’d trust Mr Bolton like I’d trust a rabbit with a lettuce leaf.”

April 15, 2009

I still don’t know what this bloke is playing at: I mean seriously, all the media attention and sucking in investors only to sell out at the 11th hour, but I love this line in response

The Age: Stunned investors vent fury at chairman

“He’s not going to get (the $4.5 million), I can promise you that,” Mr Byrnes said. “He’s just ruined his corporate life forever ?¢‚Ǩ¬¶ I’d trust Mr Bolton like I’d trust a rabbit with a lettuce leaf.”

3 responses to Wnning line: “I’d trust Mr Bolton like I’d trust a rabbit with a lettuce leaf.”

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  2. Hey , I finally decided to write a comment on your blog . I just wanted to say good job . I really enjoy reading your posts.

  3. Hey , I finally decided to write a comment on your blog . I just wanted to say good job . I really enjoy reading your posts.