Yahoo sucks

January 31, 2007

Got this (below) in my inbox this morning, telling my I *have* to swap to a Yahoo signin to use Flickr. Besides being annoying, it’s next to near on impossible to get a Yahoo id that is anything close to id’s you use elsewhere, I mean how many people could possibly have Yahoo accounts with my name in them? duncanriley, duncanriley1, duncanriley2…were all taken, as were my usual business name logins of nichenet etc… I’m wont abandon Flickr because I like it too much, but it’s tempting given it took me 15 minutes to change a login that I’d previously used without any problems for years. You suck, Yahoo.

Dear Old Skool Account-Holding Flickr Member,

On March 15th we’ll be discontinuing the old email-based Flickr sign in system. From that point on, everyone will have to use a Yahoo! ID to sign in to Flickr.

We’re making this change now to simplify the sign in process in advance of several large projects launching this year, but some Flickr features and tools already require Yahoo! IDs for sign in — like the mobile site at or the new Yahoo! Go program for mobiles, available at:

95% of your fellow Flickrites already use this system and their experience is just the same as yours is now, except they sign in on a different page. It’s easy to switch: it takes about a minute if you already have a Yahoo! ID and about five minutes if you don’t.

You can make the switch at any time in the next few months, from today till the 15th. (After that day, you’ll be required to merge before you continue using your account.) To switch, start at this page:

Nothing else on your account or experience of Flickr
changes: you can continue to have your FlickrMail and notifications sent to any email address at any domain and your screenname will remain the same.

Complete details and answers to most common questions are available here:

Thanks for your patience and understanding – and even bigger thanks for your continued support of Flickr: if you’re reading this, you’ve been around for a while and that means a lot to us!

Warmest regards,

– The Flickreenos


For lots of boring pics my Flickr pics can be found here.

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39 responses to Yahoo sucks

  1. It’s really disgusting ! Flickr is ours (old school) we made it run we made it succeed so why are they stealing down our community ?

  2. Yahoo sucks!
    Fuck you, yahoo!
    Assholes all, Yahoo.
    Originally you offered free email and we knew what our cost was in limited ads and bullshit. Now you have outraged your constituents and are pure shit!
    Your ads and popups and flash bullshit has made your address absolutely useless.
    For your advertizers: I WILL NEVER USE ANY OF YOUR SERVICES OR PRODUCTS! I will use another, or go WITHOUT, you fuckers.
    It is grossly inconventient to have to change email addresses, but better that than continue to deal with the aggravation you cause!

  3. I am writing to provide a feed back for my fellow friends and who ever likes to open an account or use any paid service in yahoo, it truly suck

    i opend a yahoo beta on 1st of June and sent emails to my personal contacts, suddently the account stopped functioning and my follow up with their in-competent (although its look like it is the yahoo technology that is bad not the contact center) was unsuccessful, they kept sending apology email and keep sayin every thing is in noraml shape while is was not!, their servr kept sending email to my contact saying my account is discontinued or disabled

    I dont recommend yahoo and will never use any service from them again, use them if you want to loose your credability over email communcation

  4. Yahoo sucks the big one…now they take away the yahoo toolbar older versions and you cant even use there popup blocker anymore cuz they make you “upgrade” or else…right now it says on my toolbar “Upgrade your Toolbar Now!”…so yahoo can kiss my ass cuz theres no reason to use the toolbar anymore and to be bullied into getting a new one while shutting down the old service is complete bullshit….im glad yahoo is falling like a rock…everything sucks about that site…the serch engine the homepage and the yahoo messenger all SUCK….soon thank goodness they will go the way of the dinasaur…


    ***A loutish male person

    Definition of Loutish;

    ****boorish: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance; “was boorish and insensitive”; “the loutish manners of a bully”; “her stupid oafish husband”; “aristocratic contempt for the swinish multitude”

  5. yeah yahoo can suck it – because these motherf**kers said that they are discontinuing the old skool flickr shit.

    i emailed to the flickr team and they should respond for three days or more about why i was vandalizing flickr. maybe you should try zooomr instead?

  6. predictionsarchive December 23, 2007 at 12:32 pm

    Yahoo and all online chat blows serious ass. The problem is that the NWO cannot allow free and open discourse and is squashing it any chance they get.

  7. Better then yahoo mail!

  8. I was a user of MusicMatch Jukebox. I especially liked their Super Tagging feature, so much that I
    purchased their “All Future Versions” at a premium price. Along comes Yahoo, who purchases
    MMJB. Despite my pleas that they were obligated to honor prior contracts, they screwed me royally!

  9. Yahoo! lacks social ethics. They puff self-destructive celebrities as a modern version of the elephant man. No different than the carnival owners who exploited Mr. Merrick. They have moved to the tabloid side.

    Google respects their customers. And I appreciate that.

  10. Yahoooooo sucks…. The most stupid and unfriendly server…. Hardly allows you to signin and their servers are perpetually DOWN…Bloody PMSing 365days a year. Get them some Tampons …. YAHOOOOOOO is CRAP !!

  11. Fuck you all!Yahoo rocks!!!

  12. I want know why you keep turning my e/mails away for 48 least once a week.I am getting very tired of it, and i want it to stop. Thank you.

  13. Sydney Crosby May 21, 2008 at 10:09 pm

    Yahoo sucks big time

  14. Why would any one wont msn is better and google is too Yahoo make’s so hard to keep to your id and password and if foe some reason you lose one your screwed for life

  15. yahoo SUCKS………………………..EVERYTHING
    ABOUT IT………………..JP

  16. Yahoo! keeps my yahoo email locked. So they suck

  17. Yahoo inc. block me from entering my yahoo email & I’m not a hacker.

  18. yahoo sucks

  19. I have to agree! Yahoo sucks! They just do! I had a profile(s)on yahoo answers! They deleted…let's see today was the fifth time they deleted my profile?Yup! They are annoying. I hope someone like…shuts down Yahoo!Their rules are just way up tight. Yahoo answers and yahoo is just messed up! Since people are getting their yahoo accounts deleted for no reason…people are leaving. I just go so tired of it today…I just decided I wasn't coming back.

    Yeah it is annoying!

  20. I have not faced any problem from yahoo ID but in yahoo answer they have deleted my question without any reason.

  21. yahoo is the biggest loser ever. three times in one week my password has gone awol and i've had to call to try and correct. do their customer service people even live on the planet. they said my birthday was incorrect ……….i have answer more questions to resurrect my account then to get married, have twins or buy an eight million dollar home.

    i think i've had may birthday for awhile, ie some odd years over40 years and it did work perfectly last year when i contacted them…………….now i cannot even access my account and they had not sent my new password to my husband's account……… promised. THEY ARE THE BIGGEST LOSERS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> leave them and love your new life…………without YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  22. boycott yahoo yahoo Sucks!!

  23. boycott yahoo! yahoo Sucks!!!!!

  24. Yahoo not only suck, they are also identity, information thieves and they sell stolen personal information from peoples emails to their 3rd party partners.

  25. Wow khrista I didn't know so many people have had the same run in as me and you. But that's the exact same thing that happened to me today. June 28th? 2009 now i just go and troll and make fun of michael jackson questions.
    Their web search sucks I use google
    their mail SUCKS! 3000 unread messages for someone who barely uses mail of spam and junk filters dont work reporting does not work. it?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s worthless.
    their Y!A?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢s was the only thing I found fun. I answered 1000 questions and then ran into a troll who reported me with his 30 accounts. I tried to talk it out with their crappy customer care but they said your banned anyways! They freaking suspended me for this question:
    Someone asks help with an organic chemistry problem
    Someone answers : Well pitbulls don?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t know nothing about that(obvius spam and the guy who was trolling)
    Me: Don?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢t let pitbull do your homework here are some good books on organic chemistry [LINK] good luck.

    They really know how to take a good idea and destroy it.

    There is a site Boo Yahoo to boycott them.

  26. I totally agree with you and Khrista about yahoo

  27. I totally agree with you and Khrista about yahoo

  28. It seems I am the only one who like Yahoo!!

    Google so totally kicks it’s ass. (As evident by the fact the “Google it.” is a common phrse but nobody would say “Yahoo it.”)

  30. I only know the yahoo site searching is really dumb.

  31. get a REAL, dump the internet.
    Google is only an arm of the USA government .
    & yahoo is a crap alternative.

  32. Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma Rape your mamma

  33. brendan carroll May 25, 2010 at 12:01 am

    yahoo really doesn't care what anybody has to say…why should it the suckers are lining up ….these twits have found their niche&there is nothing else to do whose product do i have to dump on….can't i will just have to find an alternative …nope that doesn't seem to work ….that is all!!!

  34. ronald reudter July 29, 2010 at 10:07 pm

    ive tryed to sign up for yahoo but it changes my password as f ar as yahoo you all can go to hell i wont sign up

  35. Their rules are just way up tight. Yahoo answers and yahoo is just messed up! Since people are getting their yahoo accounts deleted for no reason…people are leaving. I just go so tired of it today…I just decided I wasn't coming back.

Trackbacks and Pingbacks:

  1. Yahoo! Annoying Its Flickr Users » Webomatica - February 1, 2007

    […] It’s a safe bet that there are far more Yahoo! ID holders out there (potential flickr users) than original Flickr-folk, but it’s still surprising (to me, at least) to see the amount of ire, annoyance, and downright hate pointed in Yahoo!’s general direction. It’s not just Yahoo’s slow, Yahoo! pisses me off, Yahoo! bugs me, it’s the ultimate internet put-down: Yahoo! sucks. I had no idea. […]