BusinessLogs on the Market

March 4, 2007

Mike Rundles BusinessLogs design business and site is on the market at Sitepoint, bidding from $25k with a BIN at $55k. Surprising move. As a concept and business I would have thought it was worth more, however without Rundle with it I guess the valuation is some what closer to what it should be. Question is, what has one of the webs best designers got planned next? must be something big if he’s flogging his pride and joy. One to watch.


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2 responses to BusinessLogs on the Market

  1. That price sounds really high to me.

  2. Thanks for the link Duncan, official entry at my blog coming Monday. I’m selling it to spend more time on 9rules, plus weddings are expensive 🙂

    Matt, I was originally looking to sell for less, but received a few unofficial offers at $30k so I decided to jump it up higher, so we’ll see how it goes.