Would you visit a social network bought to you by The Australian?

March 5, 2007

TechCrunch bravos USA Today for going down the social networking path on their website. If The Australian, Australia’s version of USA Today went down the social networking path, would you use the service? Imagine it: Glenn Milne could serve the virtual drinks, and punch the Crikey team member could be one of the interactive games on the site. Maybe next year? 🙂

2 responses to Would you visit a social network bought to you by The Australian?

  1. Ask ben barren about that, he might know…

  2. Would The Australian even know what a social networking site is? 🙂

    And Glenn Milne, the crikey guys and fill em up with booze (well Glenn at least) and put them in a cage match – yup, definite YouTube material… 😉