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I’ve got an admission to make, in the last couple of months I’ve been adding to my Bloglines subs, even though I swore I would actually decrease the number…and whilst on one hand I have unsubscribed from a few sites….the number I subscribed to has actually been creping up again. Sure, I’ve only gotten out to 135 feeds (as of today), but its above my sworn figure of 100. But saying all of this, I’d like to share a couple of sites I’ve added in the last 6 months that you might like to consider:

The Blog Herald: yep, when I sold the site, I actually unsubscribed, indeed, I actually couldn’t face reading it for quite some time after I sold it, it was really that hard for me, having been my baby for so long, it just upset me too much. Theres been a bit of criticism in the last couple of months as to the direction of The Blog Herald, but I’m happy to say that no only have I resubscribed to the Blog Herald feed, I’m really enjoying it again. Matt and Aaron are doing a great job…maybe a little more news stories perhaps, and to be honest I’m still not totally convinced with the design…but as a read it’s once again hit its highs.

The Blogging Times: this site presents like I once imagined the Blog Herald would look like, it’s a mix of Web 2.0 and blog posts, and mainly just plain news. It’s not always the most exciting read, but it’s factual, and if you are interested in the news of the day (blog wise) its a good read.

The Blogging Journalist: a bit like the Blogging Times, a mix of blog and web 2.0 stories, with an interesting mix of how bloggers are reporting world news. You don’t get much comment here, but as a pure coverage of blog news it’s pretty good.

SEO BlackHat Blog: ok, admission here is that I’ve been reading Quadszilla longer than 6 months, he’s a great bloke, sure, we might not operate on the same field, but he’s open and honest about what he does, and believe it or not we actually have a fair bit in common in terms of beliefs (particularly freedom of speech issues). He’s the sort of guy I’d happily share a beer or 3 (or 10) with if I ever get State Side. If you ever wanted to read what the “otherside” does, you cant go pass this blog.

Blogebrity: I seriously considered dropping these guys, but today they are back again and firing. They are still a little exclusively A-List obsessed, but a good read once again.

Bryanboy: ok, this so doesn’t fit onto this list, but I loves me some Bryanboy! The Philippines gayest of gay bloggers is always entertaining, I’m not sure why I like it, but I do!

America and the Allies

admin —  July 4, 2006 — Leave a comment

Aaron says it all here…and quotes me a lot…but again I’ll say lest we forget, because we are so fortune that so many gave so much for our freedom. We should never take our freedom for granted, and it’s our responsibility that future generations, those that didn’t have the privilege as I did to meet WW1 veterans in my youth, and even WW2 veterans for that matter, for they are a dying bread as well, that they never forget that our freedom didn’t come on a plater, that the blood of our fathers, grand fathers, and great grand fathers was spilled so that today we could live in peace.

This pic via The Bastardly:

jessica alba

The pic says it all!

admin —  May 31, 2006 — Leave a comment


G’Day Prime Minister

admin —  May 22, 2006 — 1 Comment

boatOnly in Australia🙂

A MAN who ran his boat on to rocks just metres from the Sydney residences of the prime minister and governor-general has been charged with drink driving.
Sydney Water Police said they found a motor cruiser aground on rocks at Kirribilli Point with a man, woman and three children on board about 7pm (AEST) yesterday.

Police had to obtain the permission of the Australian Protective Services to access the boat as it was near Admiralty House and Kirribilli House.

The two properties are the respective Sydney residences of Governor-General Michael Jeffery and Prime Minister John Howard.

The Blogging Bomber?

admin —  May 13, 2006 — 3 Comments

Sitting in a Internet Cafe on the Gold Coast and already I’ve got my first weird travel story.

Last night at Perth Airport I was pulled aside and….scanned for explosives!

It was 11:30pm so I was in a bit of a daze anyway. I walked through security, no problems, then I get pulled aside by a butch female security guard. She starts pointing at some sign and saying did I know what was going on. I thought I was going to get surveyed or something. Nup, some weird looking strip of paper was wipped over my clothes, then put into a machine. Naturally the result was negative, but I’m off to get a hair cut now because obviously I must need one if I look so scruffy as to need explosive screening! 🙂

My new image is an important public service announcement, particularly to those who visit Australia for the first time. Kangaroo’s and cars don’t mix.

Me, I’m lucky, I’ve only destroyed a windscreen and side mirror thanks to local members of the Skippy gang. My Mrs, well she’s rolled a car before, and on another occasion she’s destroyed the undercarriage of another car.

All thanks to the evil that are Kangaroos.

Remember, if you see a Kangaroo, it’s dangerous!

Just read this at Scripting News. Red Barren is in charge of organising a BloggerCon in Australia. For those who were readers of The Blog Herald I’ve been trying to do this for years. I’ve got about 50 ppl in the email list who have shown interest in coming. If you haven’t previously registered interest drop me an email at I haven’t spoken to Ben yet but I’m guessing Sydney or Melbourne. If we can get Dave Winer to come….it’s like….OMG!!! or in this case God will come to Australia!!!!

Any how let me know. I’ll talk to Ben in the mean time. It’s taken far too long…in 2006 it will happen!!!

Cory Doctorow in Melbourne

admin —  March 29, 2006 — Leave a comment

Cameron Reilly (no relation) points to Cory Doctorow in Melbourne. I wish soooo much I could hop on a plane, if she who must be obeyed would only let me, particularly given it’s free!

Lost in moving

admin —  March 6, 2006 — 5 Comments

I’m still here…I think, although this site is still not always showing from my end after the host move. Apologies to regular readers, I’m slowly worknig on it, although one word of advice: me and cPanel don’t mix very well it would seem 🙂