Maybe SixApart knows something everyone else doesn’t?

December 21, 2006

Tech Digest reports SixApart’s Mena Trott saying that Vox is winning over burnt out bloggers. I see the logic, and I understand the how, but WTF? Surely this isn’t the key target area for Vox?

“People have really embraced it,” she says. “They’re saying they think blogging is fun again. A lot of people got burned out, because blogging had become a task rather than a pleasure. But we’re winning those people back, along with some of the people who are usually more skeptical and cynical about Six Apart as a company.”

Great…..great. But what about the kiddies? what about new bloggers? I’m the first to admit that Gartner was right about blogging hitting a peak, in the Western nations at least, but are we at a point now that the market is so mature that a new product is aimed at poaching existing bloggers from other products? Wouldn’t this strategy cannabilise users from other SA products? Don’t get me wrong (and ignore past history), I’m not having a go a Mena or SA here, indeed I happen to think Vox is a bloody good product (indeed, if I wasn’t such a control freak I’d be tempted to setup my permanent home there), but SA must know something the rest of us don’t know in terms of the marketplace, because to an outsider without access to the market research and other data SA has, it seems like…well like a rather “interesting” growth strategy, at least in respect to the history of the commercial blogging marketplace to date.


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  1. » Predictions for 2007 - December 31, 2006

    […] Students of marketing will immediately recognise that there are very different dynamics in a rapidly expanding marketplace, and one that is mature. The blogosphere in 2007, in Europe and the English Speaking Nations has hit that point. We have anecdotal evidence already. SixApart is pitching Vox at users who may have grown tired of blogging, both lapsed and existing bloggers on other services. AOL is said to be launching Blogsmith in an already saturated market. I of course use the phrase blogosphere collectively, but naturally amongst some of it’s more niche areas, video blogging, and perhaps podcasting to some extent, I still see growth to be had, but at several hundred million blogs there is little room now to further grow the blogging marketplace. I’d prefer not to use the word cut throat, because it’s a term more indicative of a pre Web 2.0 era, but expect to see more strident competition amongst blog providers, and blog networks as well. […]