Please use BlueDot…I don’t want to be on top!

January 22, 2007

bluedotI love Bluedot…but it’s making me lazy, because rather than post about interesting stories I’m just adding them to my Bluedot account (if you want the feed it’s here). Just checked the BlueDot main page, and apparently, at least as I write this, I’m the most frequent user. If this is the case, more people should be using it. It’s but far, far better, and even Michael Arrington @ Techcrunch agrees. Now if only I could get a plugin to post once a day my BlueDot links (hint, hint)…maybe I’ll have to pay for someone to do it 🙂



One response to Please use BlueDot…I don’t want to be on top!

  1. Duncan, I tried BlueDot for a week or so when Mike Arrington pinged it a couple of weeks ago as one of his “must have” apps. I’m so deeply entrenched in and ma.gnolia, I just couldn’t run with a third social bookmarking service, no matter how good. I would need some way to guarantee I got my links into all three services simultaneously and easily (a Greasemonkey script or Firefox Addon I’m incapable of writing, maybe).

    How are you dealing with the multi-service issue, or have you bailed on in favor of BlueDot?