
January 29, 2009

Meg updated her Top 100 Australian blogs, the best and fairest top Australian blog list (we can’t even get added to some of the others, go figure) Australia Day. Here’s the result

Top 100 Australian Blogs Index | Dipping into the Blogpond


It doesn’t pay the bills I might add, but to be up there after just short of 9 months with the Allure Media blogs and Darren Rowse is pretty cool.

Also thx to Meg for doing the list. I understand how hard it is to do, having tried the top 20 manually a couple of times. Meg: donation button or advertising ops, contact me.

5 responses to Win

  1. Good effort. Unfortunately I am not on list any longer. I like the name of the blog “the food pronographer”

  2. There really are some top blogs there. Well worth reading.

  3. There really are some top blogs there. Well worth reading.

  4. There really are some top blogs there. Well worth reading.

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  1. Easter Update to Top 100 Blogs Index | Dipping into the Blogpond - April 13, 2009

    […] sidebar. I’ve never been a fan of the whole donation, buy me a beer kinda thing, but Duncan suggested it & I figured “heh, why not?”. Maybe someone out there appreciates the time that goes […]