Vista Day 2: It Gets Worse

admin —  June 1, 2007 — 0 Comments

After finally getting Vista working on my desktop at about 11:30pm last night (it took 11 hours) the nightmare continued today. I would appear that although I purchased the upgrade version and still have XP on the hard drive (although I’m unable to access it) Vista now thinks that I should have a stand lone product key for validation, so essentially I’m unable to validate my totally 100% legal copy of Vista!

I did some digging and finally rang Microsoft this morning. After nearly 1 hour on the phone talking to 3 different people, I received this advice (copied directly from the email):

1. Restart Computer and Boot from Windows Vista DVD
2. Run Setup again, without entering the Product Key
3. Complete installation and boot into Windows Vista
4. While in Windows Vista, boot the Windows Vista DVD
5. Run Setup again and this time enter the product key
6. Complete the installation and you should be able to activate Windows Vista from here.

Yep, they’re telling me to reinstall Vista TWICE! Are they f*cking joking? I asked them to give me a key that works, they told me I’d have to buy it despite the fact that I’ve already purchased Vista and could provide them the Vista key and the original XP key. So I’ve got 29 days before Vista shuts down, I’ve had to reinstall all my software and drivers and now I have to do it all again twice! If I’m feeling brave I might try on the weekend but I tell you what at this point I’ve had enough of Microsoft, I’ve used Microsoft products since DOS god knows what and can still remember running Word for DOS, I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars over the years on PCs and software and as far as Microsoft is concerned that don’t mean jack! Vista might be pretty, and admittedly it is fairly fast, but the whole Macs just work line is really driving me to the point that my next computer will be a Mac. The lost productivity and work time in dollar figures alone yesterday would have made for a nice deposit.

I hate Vista Already

admin —  May 31, 2007 — 4 Comments

8:45pm as I write this. At 12:30pm today I inserted Vista into my computer for an upgrade. Still isn’t working, after the worlds longest install process it just hung on booting up, the little loading ticker scrolling over and over and over again. Just finally worked out a way to re-install it without losing the contents of my hard disk, although looks like programs will need to be reinstalled.

Microsoft: it’s just not good enough.

And yes, I ran the compliance tests. I’m compliant, 64bit AMD 3400+ with 2gb ram should be plenty good and that’s the result the program gave me.

I’m tempted to download Ubuntu and be done with Windows altogether, or even the hacked version of Mac OSX that is suppose to run on a normal PC 🙂

Pandora Go Away

admin —  May 30, 2007 — 0 Comments

Why do Pandora keep sending me emails telling me how wonderful they are when I’m blocked from using the site? I wasn’t blocked at first when I first heard the news that Pandora was blocking non-US users, but they’ve since implemented geo-blocking and now I can’t.

Microsoft Surface. It sort of reminds me a little bit of the old look down Pac Man arcade machines circa 1982 but it’s a lot more. The ability to recognise objects is unique and although I can’t see this being in every home (although it would make a cool coffee table) the retail possibilities are endless. How can a company like Microsoft that threatens Linux users over patents one day be so cool the next? Jekyl and Hide mentality maybe? That aside Microsoft really can innovate.

TiVo Coming to Australia!

admin —  May 30, 2007 — 0 Comments

This is extremely good news:

TiVo, the time-shifting digital video recorder that became a household name in the US, will come to Australia in 2008.

For a small subscription fee plus the price of the hardware, Australians will be able to pause live high definition TV, fast-forward ads, record shows and series from any of the free-to-air digital TV channels, and access broadband content such as video-on-demand.

The company today announced a partnership with the Seven Network, which will build the digital platform behind the service.

Seven CEO David Leckie said the move would “vastly extend” the overall viewing experience of television viewing.

I unplugged my MCE box and substituted it for a Zensonic High Def Media player/ DVD player when I bought my Sony Bravia 40″ X Series but I miss the functionality of being able to record TV…and obviously having an proper, working Australian EPG will make TiVo a killer app.

I bit the bullet today. As much as I was loving my 22″ monitor it was clear from comments in my earlier post and coverage elsewhere in the blogosphere that having more than one monitor provides an improved workspace.

So I thought I’d check out buying a second 22″ monitor. The first one had cost about $680 (AUD) in November 06 and at the time was a bargain, elsewhere they started at $900 and upwards. Walked into the same store (IVC Bunbury) and they now cost $430. Sold.

I’ve had the second monitor plugged in for about 2 hours as I write this, I’ve moved the Google Desktop Sidebar to the far right hand side on Monitor 2 so essentially Monitor 1 becomes Firefox with Twitbin for Twitter, Monitor 2 becomes Outlook, Photoshop, Word, Skype, Jaiku, Internet Explorer (when needed) and Google Desktop.

OMG. Being able to work in one screen whilst relevant info you need is open in another is BRILLIANT. I’d suggest that whilst writing one post I saved maybe 20 minutes. Not having to flick between windows and having your original copy open saves time.

You know I was reluctant. It seems like an extravagance. She who must be obeyed wasn’t keen on the idea but it was the monitor or Foxtel, and she hates the idea of having Pay TV give how little any of us actually watch TV, so the monitor won.

I’ll probably be able to give a better assessment in a couple of weeks, but I’m loving it and at this stage it’s highly recommended. All you need tech wise is a video card with 2 outputs (the second one is on a VGA connection, the original on DVI) and some cash. If you work online it will pay for itself over and over again in saved time.




The SMH reports on a Choice survey of Australian flyers that rated Qantas as the worst international airline flying out of Australia and 3rd out of 4 domestic airlines, the Qantas owned Jetstar coming 4th.

According to radio reports Australians fly Qantas out of habit, and the frequent flyer program and safety record also help.

The real shocking thing is that Qantas is acting all surprised and quoting other surveys to belittle these survey results. Memo to Qantas: you’ve been crap for years. You’ve never listened to your customers before so there’s no great surprise that you’d ignore them now.

I only fly Qantas domestically myself due to the full in-flight service and frequent flyers, yet if there was another Ansett in terms of choice I’d never fly Qantas again (and indeed, when there was Ansett I never flew Qantas then). I also try to avoid Qantas on overseas flights as well. Where do I start? Rude staff, never, ever on-time, crap in-flight seating and service…fly Cathay Pacific and you’ll see the difference and what a decent airline can deliver.

It’s also why I never got the whole populous outrage thing that went on when Qantas was subject to an overseas takeover offer. Good old fashioned xenophobia at work when we all know Qantas needs a serious kick up the arse, and certainly new owners couldn’t do any worse.

5inch: pretty CDs

admin —  May 28, 2007 — 0 Comments

Think Cafepress for blank CDs and DVDs: 5inch. Pretty. No idea why people would want piles of blank CDs’ with pretty prints on them, but it’s still pretty none the less.

Kylie: Hot or Not?

admin —  May 25, 2007 — 1 Comment
Kylie Hot or Not

You know it's a slow news day when the lead story on has this photo with the words "Kylie hit the red carpet at Cannes in this interesting black dress and curious-looking shoes. Blogger Alison Godfrey asks whether the pop pocket rocket is losing her sense of style"

Posted using a new blogging tool which I won't name. Interesting to see how this post presents.

Twitter down again

admin —  May 24, 2007 — 0 Comments

For the LOVE OF GOD! Will Twitter ever be stable? it’s not letting me in again. GRRRRRRRRR. As soon as the US East Coast gets up, down goes Twitter.